Thursday, June 02, 2005

QuickTake: Your Mind Online

It turns out that many people are quite willing to take surveys online.

Traditional pencil-and-paper surveys and other psychological research of days past depended in large part on the altruism of undergraduate students like her - they were the guinea pigs, if you like.

But posting the surveys online gives researchers a reach far beyond campus - to people of all ages, backgrounds, experiences and cultures.

"Most people who do this are not students or academics," says John Krantz, a psychology professor at Hanover College, Indiana, who runs a website of links to surveys called Psychological Research on the Net ( "They are just surfing the web, they come around, they are curious about something so they are willing to participate," he says.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Online surveys are more convenience, quick and inexpensive. It is better than survey by phone or in person. but usually only use closed end questionary. response rare tends to be low.

12:59 AM  

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